Games Workshop
Citadel Project Paint Set
A one-stop collection of high-quality Citadel paints covering the Base, Shade, and Layer ranges, this is the perfect way to begin a collection of paints to make your miniatures look their best. 48 pots of paint are included in the hard-wearing, durable plastic storage box – the box itself holds 2 racks that each hold 21 paints, with space in the bottom of the box for a further 28. The lid even doubles as a handy tray, making this the perfect gift for the hobbyist in your life.
9 x 24ml Shade paints:
- Nuln Oil
- Drakenhof Nightshade
- Biel-Tan Green
- Reikland Fleshshade
- Carroburg Crimson
- Agrax Earthshade
- Seraphim Sepia
- Casandora Yellow
- Druchii Violet
12 x 12ml Base paints:
- Leadbelcher
- Macragge Blue
- Waaagh! Flesh
- Bugman’s Glow
- Mephiston Red
- Mournfang Brown
- Abaddon Black
- Ceramite White
- Zandri Dust
- Averland Sunset
- Retributor Armour
- Caliban Green
26 x 12ml Layer paints:
- Ironbreaker
- Altdorf Guard Blue
- Warboss Green
- Cadian Fleshtone
- Evil Sunz Scarlet
- Skragg Brown
- Eshin Grey
- Ulthuan Grey
- Ushabti Bone
- Yriel Yellow
- Auric Armour Gold
- Warpstone Glow
- Runefang Steel
- Calgar Blue
- Skarsnik Green
- Kislev Flesh
- Wildrider Red
- Deathclaw Brown
- Dawnstone
- White Scar
- Screaming Skull
- Flash Gitz Yellow
- Liberator Gold
- Moot Green
- Xereus Purple
- Genestealer Purple
1 x 24ml Texture paint
- Stirland Mud