Marionville Models
Warhammer 40k Tuition Evening -:- Monday 10th April -:-
------:------ Monday 10th April from 6PM ------:------
Would you like to learn how to go from your Recruit/Elite/Command Edition rules to a full game?
We have put together a program for a "Learn to Play 40k" evening. this is for those players who have a 500-1000 point force from 40k ready to use (built, don't worry if not painted).
We will be running through army list composition, load outs, synergies, relics, stratagems, detachments, command points and other important factors you need to consider when compiling your army list.
Your tutors - Ryan, Damien, Cameron and Bruce, will happily answer any of your questions and aim to progress you through the hobby from playing at home with rules they think are right, to being able to organise and play games with others in the community with confidence. We cannot teach you to master 40k, this is not about how to win.
Once you have a handle on how to build a list from your force, we will pair you off with others and run through a properly staged mission. Incorporating primary and secondary objectives for victory points. We will also run through how and when to use Command Points.
All this while you also play a monitored game of 40k turn by turn, ensuring accuracy throughout.
We have limited spaces of 16 for 40k tuition on this evening. If we have more interest for these to continue, we will endeavor to run more.
Please bring with you your models, gaming accessories (dice, measuring tape, wound trackers - if you do not have these, please let us know as we have a limited amount of spare to borrow but all are available to purchase on the day). If you can also download the Warhammer 40k App and try to prepare a list to best of your ability, that will help with ascertaining your level of understanding.
------:------ Monday 10th April from 6PM ------:------
If you would like to know more, please message our Facebook page.