Citadel Paints

A full range of paints from Citadel Paints for your Warhammer models.  From primer paints, base coats to clear coat finishes, we have you covered.

Citadel Colour Air Paints -Evil Sunz Scarlet

Citadel Colour Air Paints -Evil Sunz Scarlet

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Citadel Colour Air Paints - White Scar

Citadel Colour Air Paints - White Scar

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Citadel Colour Air Paints - Khorne Red

Citadel Colour Air Paints - Khorne Red

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Citadel Colour Air Paints - Corvus Black

Citadel Colour Air Paints - Corvus Black

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Citadel Colour Air Paints - Air Caste Thinner

Citadel Colour Air Paints - Air Caste Thinner

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Citadel Colour Air Paints - Iron Hands Steel

Citadel Colour Air Paints - Iron Hands Steel

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Warhammer 40k Paints + Tools Set

Warhammer 40k Paints + Tools Set

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Citadel Paints - Cryptek Armourshade Gloss

Citadel Paints - Cryptek Armourshade Gloss

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Citadel Paints - Balthasar Gold (Air)

Citadel Paints - Balthasar Gold (Air)

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