The Army Painter
Army Painter Warpaints Mega Paint Set III
This fantastic and high value Mega Paint set includes the best possible quality paints, metallics and washes available today.
It has all the colours you need as well as the one of the most popular hand-made wargaming brushes in the wargaming industry.
Some Warpaints have a Colour Primer spray equivalent – and these paints are marked with the small logo: “100% MATCH”.
The Washes are a superb quality and also matches the Quickshade tones of the same name – giving you a perfect shading effect.
- 50 Warpaints; 39 Acrylic Warpaints, 5 Metallic Warpaints, 4 Quickshade Washes and 2 Effects Warpaints
- 1 Triangular handled Regiment Brush
- 1 The Army Painter Painting Guide